Kriss Boggild - Artist |
Painting and mixed media art |
The website for the gallery at the University of Victoria -- an exciting site about a gallery I didn't even know existed until recently, and which has some stunning west coast art! Check it out!
The events for 2016! Explore the art, the water, the birds and the flora and fauna of Mayne Island and the other Active Pass Islands. Look for my name on the studio map of Mayne Island! I look forward to seeing you there. This site will have information about all the artists participating in the 2008 Artists in our Midst Open Studios. I am in the Kitsilano area. This site is well worth a visit ! Lois is a committed social activist artist and always has some interesting work to talk about, or in which you too could get involved. She also sells small edition books from her site -- including the catalogue for Serious Women Artists don't do Flowers! Home of the Comforter Art Action!
Pauline is a fellow artist, a friend and a great travelling companion! Check out her website for beautiful colour field abstractions.
If you scroll down a bit on George's site for his art gallery and cafe, you will find a post about my art exhibition there, including a wonderful little video George made the night before the opening of the show on November 11,2017! The show will be up until December 19th, so if you are in the Gulf islands between now and then (and I hear that we Are going to have two weeks of sunshine starting on Sunday, Dec3rd!!) drop in to Mayne Island and enjoy the show! Due too COVID19, the annual Summer Exhibition is on-line this year! Please visit this site to view arts by artists from Galiano, Mayne, Pender and Saturna! You may also purchase art or a catalogue of the show from this site!
The home page for the Vancouver Art Gallery, one of the exciting locales in our city, matching in wow factor, as far as I am concerned, our admittedly breathtaking scenery!
The RAG has done some of the most interesting exhibitions I have seen in the Lower Mainland. How many of you remember the "Text and Textiles" exhibition? Visit their site, and go to see the exhibitions! |